Coming up with The Idea

Today’s Tuesday for some, Monday for others, time is just a social construct so let us not spend it wondering if I’m late with my newsletters or not. You have better things to do.

Instead, let’s start this week off with a lateral stretch question:

That’s it. Take a topic you’re fond of and ask yourself “what if”. Keep asking until it makes absolutely no sense and somewhere along the way, you’ll find an interesting thought that you can build on.

One example, as usual, at the end.

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The idea does not matter

I know, pretty weird to say this after talking about an exercise to help you find ideas.

But the truth of the matter is the idea rarely matters.

A good idea is like talent. It’ll only get you so far.

But most people don’t even try to put in the minimum work because they either lack “the idea” or “the talent”.

You’re better off executing a mediocre idea than fantasizing about a great one.

Nine out of 10 times, you’ll learn more from the experience and it’ll get you closer to having that perfect idea + execution fit.

So don’t fantasize about finding the perfect idea - because that’s exactly what it sounds like, a fantasy.

Sometimes you might land on one, but if you live your whole life chasing it, there’s a very high chance you’ll end up disappointed.

Chase the quality of implementation and finding ways of doing things better.

One example of deep diving on an concept:

Water is famously “basic”. What if it wasn’t?What if water had a set number of nutrients (proteins, fat, carbs)? What if you could custom-order that type of water?What if you could set up a recurring order and gets your perfect dose of nutrients without worrying about taste or dosage or anything else?

And down the rabbit hole we went. Is there an idea there? I don’t have a clue. But you have something to explore now and just might find an idea at the end of it.


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